Monday, January 21, 2013

more story to be told


firstly, this week kaki saya dh bleh jalan laju..
setelah seminggu jalan mcm org sakit =="
tp tuu pon kna slow2 la jgk,jalan laju sikit mula sakit balik..
berdenyut2.. T_T
boleh imagine x saya xboleh nk bengkokkan kaki??
yup,i cant!
so,mmg susah nak sembahyang..
 setiap kali nak sembahyang, sebak.
sbb keupayaan dulu dan kini dh lain.
advantage anggota kaki dh kurang.
haihhh T__T

Secondly,i had friends.
(cerita mcm sblum ni xda kwn,awww!)
from both high school and college.
and i really LOVE them!
but when i had friends,i will really2 appreciate them,
i will really2 ( i hope) to care their feelings.
maksudnya saya akan betul2 kwn dgn kwn2 sayalah!
when i'm not in my mood,talking to them,
will cherish me up! serius kot!
mmg saya xkan masam muka depan mereka.
but i hope that my friends will be like that anyway.
but really bad,not everyone did like me.
kadang2 bila xda mo0d,dgn kita pon xnak ckp.
masam muka,buat diam,buat muka buruk.
i hope to understo0d that but..
if everytime i give gold,they give rock back, 
sapa nak tahan!
and i really feel guilty yet sad to face them.
jangan la buat mcm ni kat aku weh.
i'm really sad,please...
we must understand each other!

Thirdly,i'm hangout with my girlfriends hari tuu.
serius best sangat.
sbb mereka kwn2 saya sejak sekolah menengah kot.
rindu sangat ^^
ada sulha,kila,hana,
diorang drive dtg melawat saya n syu kat uitm,.
Syu mmg skali dgn saya dlm uitm.
cuma kila,hana and sulha yang jarang saya jmpa.
texting pun dh jarang kot T___T
btw,mreka sgt awesome!!
there be 5 of us which we called us as misss ^^

p/s : wishme luck korang!

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